Friday, August 24, 2007

Voters in Ontario, Give Your Heads a Shake

So we have a provincial election coming up in a few months. And the current polls seem to indicate that the Liberals will likely form a minority government, come October.

It seems like the general electorate are nothing more than a collective gathering of monkeys who simply get accustomed to the way it is and behave in predictable patterns.

Forget the fact that we have a Premier who, for the past four years or so, has broken countless campaign promises, and has not even done a good job to try to rationalize his actions. He has claimed that the province is constantly out of money, so he tells Toronto to get lost when they ask him for more provincial funding, and this has led to Toronto being in the process of large service cuts (now, don't get me wrong - this is equally the fault of the ultra leftist, socialist Toronto mayor, but I have to admit, the province has not been very generous, claiming that it has a shortfall, and as a result, a couple of years back, started charging a health care premium which automatically gets deducted from your paycheque and my paycheque).

However, in an election year, the provincial Liberals have somehow managed to conjure up a previous fiscal year SURPLUS of two billion dollars. That's 2 billion dollars. $2,000,000,000 dollars. Over a one-year period! Where did all this come from? Dalton McGuinty is at a loss to explain it.'re out of money, eh? Of course, given this recent development, I'd like to officially request my health premium back, even though I'll likely never get it back. And McGuinty is all of the sudden, in an election year, giving gifts out like Satan Claus - here's one million dollar for you, Cricket Club. For what?

More on all this later.

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