Monday, June 11, 2007

Solemn Day Tomorrow - June 12, 2007

Tomorrow is the day that our baby was due, the baby that we lost last fall.

This morning, as I participated in a Christians-in-the-Workplace prayer meeting with other colleagues who are believers, I asked for prayer for our own situation, how we are still yearning for another child, if that is God's Will. At this point, we're still trying and there is still a lot of time left. I am not interested in scientific and medical means to create a child, so at this point we are simply yielding to God's timing. It's tough, though...just waiting. Meanwhile, it seems that all around us, people are pregnant, left, right and center. But I have to not think like that - I just need to trust that God will answer us in due time (one way or another). Still, I will be lying if I told you we weren't anxious.

Tomorrow evening, we will be spending some time picnicking at a local park - my son, wife and myself. We do have the lovely dwarf lilac in the backyard that reminds us that life oftentimes will have dark, cold, withered days, but there will be times when life flowers and blooms and is fragrant. We just have to remember to take the bad with the good, and simply trust God to do the rest. I truly believe that - I'm not just saying that.

Still, it will be a somber day tomorrow, so your prayers would be coveted as we remember what could have been, as well as look towards the future.

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