Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Miscarriage - One Year Later

I had to (unfortunately) work late last night at a client site (with one of the annoying client site managers breathing down our back, as we were trying to fix her intermittent problems with VPN connectivity), so by the time I got home, I was beat. I also have been struggling with a sore throat, so I haven't given much thought to really anything else yesterday. I was actually hoping to be done the work early, but that was both premature and presumptuous for me to think that, given our experience with this client. Anyhow, due to all this, I didn't get a chance to do much thinking yesterday.

I was well aware of the significance of October 30, and in particular the fact that one year ago, we lost our baby, the one we've been trying to have for a few years now. It was a difficult time for both of us, and while we rejoice at the fact that we are expecting again (around 5 months now - so far so good), it still doesn't (and shouldn't) erase the memory from last year. I won't be writing a tome on this whole topic, since I've already covered it in much greater detail in two other entries, but suffice it to say, I believe that this is one of the most difficult experiences in life to go through. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, and I think that those who have gone through it have a much better sense of the fact that life is precious and can be taken at any time. As a result, it really helps to put things into perspective in that we should enjoy life while we are here, and rejoice and celebrate new life. I was vehemently against abortion before we experienced our miscarriage. I am now even more convinced that the availability of a method to systematically destroy innocent life is perhaps the biggest travesty in the world right now.

I suppose if there is any comfort from what happened to us last year, it was stated well by my wife last night as we lay in bed, talking in the dark about how we feel one year later, and between us both breaking into tears, she reminded me that our little baby is safely in the arms of Jesus now, and we know he/she is in a better place than this world will ever be able to provide.

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