Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Procom Sure Knows How To Throw a Corporate Golf Tournament

I am always happy to promote companies with whom I have had great dealings. At my workplace, one of the companies we deal with for IT resources is Procom. I have not dealt much with them in the past, since our company had another preferred vendor for years, but they came to their senses and opened up the market and accepted offers from different vendors. Procom has impressed me from the start, with their account managers who are friendly and on the ball, their speed of delivery of resources exactly as per my specifications, and their follow-up, all make me not surprised to find out they are one of Canada's 50 best companies.

This afternoon, I was invited to the Procom client-appreciation golf tournament at Station Creek Golf Club, a PRIVATE course which is Clublink GOLD-rated, and spent a very fun day golfing (did pretty well, all things considered, even though it was a scramble tournament), eating and drinking (not necessarily in that order). As with many corporate golf tournaments, they included some company gear when you walk in, but this was pretty nice company gear. I've been to corporate golf tournaments where they hand you something that you have no idea what to do with, and it falls apart on the way home. Procom pulled out all the stops to put stuff in the shoulder backpack like 1GB memory sticks, towels, Callaway balls, etc. and provided a really, really nice Nike Golf shirt (it's the breatheable kind that are about $90 bucks a piece at Golftown), an ice cooler carry-on container full of food in case we didn't eat lunch (this was waiting for us in our customized driving golf carts (I have one all to myself, since my paired partner never showed - so I got her lunch as well), and then after a very nice outing, we were treated to a really nice catered dinner, with lots of food. What really helped people to stay was the quality stuff they were giving away for all guests and on the special raffle. The President and founder of Procom spoke a few words and all attendees of the tournament received a decent gift (and it all varied) - and these weren't some cheap dollar store stuff, we're talking pizza ovens, cell phones, DVD sets, high end golf balls boxes, patio laterns, high end croquet sets, big bottles of rum and wine, and numerous gift certificates. I got a $25.00 gift certificate to Second Cup coffee or any affiliated restaurant. Then came the raffle and the insanity of the prizes - XBOX360s, Playstation 2 units, portable DVD players, IPODs, laser guided tracking devices, golf clubs, bags and shoes (and these were all really nice high end brands), wine and more wine, etc. The last corporate tournament I went to, the prizes were cheesy. Procom sure knows how to wow their clients!

I can also tell that there was a different aura around the employees working the tournament, and this was different than other corproate golf tournaments I've attended. Everyone was happy to be there, and in talking with a LOT of Procom employees throughout the day, they really, genuinely wanted their customer to be happy, have fun, and I can just tell, they have a lot of enthusiasm and pride for their company. Makes me want to work there! (should have brought some extra business cards - damn!)

Anyway, it was a well run golf tournament at a high quality course, from a superb company. Procom impressed me already in the workplace with how they can deliver on my requirements in a short time. Seeing their client appreciation event outside of the work environment just solidifies the excellent impression that Procom continues to give their clients and the exceptional reputation that they have.

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